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How much do you ask for?

How much do you ask for? And from what you ask, how much do you take?
And from what you take, how much do you use?

The wayfarer

If you go through life taking this life-spirit together, you are progressing


Grant life the serenity needed to share and to make good things to give to others.


Open wide your ears to be able to hear the true voice that never lies and is never wrong.


If you let Happiness enter your life, your reality will change.

One world for all

We only have one world, one school for 7 billion people. In a world with so much selfishness, it is impossible to live in peace, if we don´t think about the consequences we may cause on others and ourselves.

Overcoming our weakness

To be able to overcome our weakness we should be able to admit them first. We don´t usually have one, ten, a hundred, we have thousands of them.

Full awareness means working

To be able to overcome our weakness we should be able to admit them first. We don´t usually have one, ten, a hundred, we have thousands of them.